Many people are unaware that an unvented hot water cylinder requires an annual inspection of the key safety devices, because the cylinder is a pressurised container and requires regular maintenance, similar to a boiler. A correctly specified installed and maintained cylinder reduces your energy costs, giving you a greener home and peace of mind.
Maintenance contract options
Cylinder Contract
£92.40 /year
✓ 1 Service per year (1 hour allowance)
✓ Priority attendance in event of breakdown
✓ Preferential rates on labour
✓ 15 point check
✓ No age limit on cylinder
Cylinder Contract
£88.40 /year
✓ 1 Service per year (1 hour allowance)
✓ Priority attendance in event of breakdown
✓ Preferential rates on labour
✓ 15 point check
✓ No age limit on cylinder
Terms and conditions
• Please note if entering into a new cylinder service contract, your installation will be inspected at the time of your first service. If a routine service takes longer than the contract allowance you will be charged at £21.25 per 1/4 hour thereafter.
• Prices are correct at time of launch (September 2024) and will increase with RPI each year.
• All prices exclude GST.
• Please note if entering into a new cylinder service contract, your installation will be inspected at the time of your first service. If a routine service takes longer than the contract allowance you will be charged at £20.25 per 1/4 hour thereafter.
• Prices are correct at time of launch (September 2024) and will increase with RPI each year.
• All prices exclude GST.
How your contract works
You are covered for the whole year of your contract, we will notify you of your service schedule and if there is any information our engineers need to know in advance then please inform us i.e. access or parking constraints. If your cylinder has not been regularly serviced our initial visit may take longer than normal.
Complete our Cylinder Maintenance Contract agreement.
We’ll be in touch to undertake the service.
Start enjoying the benefits of an efficient cylinder and the quality of service Rubis is renowned for.
During our first visit
On your first service we also take this opportunity to undertake a review of your installation, as per the Benchmark guidelines, to advise of any potential concerns. This helps to provide peace of mind to homeowners.
Before your contract year is up we will send you a renewal invoice which will detail any changes to your new cylinder maintenance contract. Your cylinder service will take place during the contract year, this may not be in the same month each year. If you have any specific requests please do let us know.
Our engineers
When you have your cylinder serviced it is important you choose the right engineer. All of our engineers are knowledgeable, experienced and meet the BPEC (British Plumbing Employers Council) standards.
Breakdown cover
Sometimes even a well-maintained cylinder can breakdown, your contract allows you priority access to our team of engineers in case you find yourself in this situation.
As an additional benefit for our Premium Service Contract customers, we waive the out of hours call charges (detailed in the table), but breakdown labour rates still apply.
Our breakdown labour is charged at £85.00 for up to 1/2 hour, then £21.25 per 1/4 hour thereafter.
Out of hours call out charge for Standard Service Contract (Jersey)
Out of hours call out charges include the first 1/2 hour labour charge.
Saturday and Sunday
(9am to 5pm)
Bank Holidays
(9am to 5pm)
Our breakdown labour is charged at £81.00 for up to 1/2 hour, then £20.25 per 1/4 hour thereafter.
Out of hours call out charge for Standard Service Contract
Out of hours call out charges include the first 1/2 hour labour charge.
Monday to Thursday
(5pm to 9pm)
(4pm to 9pm)
Saturday and Sunday
(9am to 5pm)
Bank holidays
(9am to 5pm)
Prices are correct at time of launch (September 2024) and will increase with RPI each year. All prices exclude GST.
Normal working hours are 8am to 4pm, Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm on Friday. Ongoing works after these hours may be charged at the prevailing overtime rate.
We will engage with the manufacturer on your behalf but you will be charged if the works required are not covered under the terms if your manufacturer’s warranty.
Apply now for 15% off your home heating installations
To reward our loyal customers, we are offering up to 15% off home heating installations. Save up to 15% off a new boiler, oil tank, cylinder or even a Rayburn.