Rubis, the Channel Islands’ most forward-thinking fuel distributor, is launching an advanced biofuel, as an immediate solution towards Jersey’s objective to reduce carbon emissions.
After Scandinavian and Baltic countries, the Channel Islands will become only the 11th jurisdiction in the world to offer the new fuel, which is branded locally RD100. Rubis RD100 outperforms other biodiesels and fossil diesel and will cut global carbon emissions from diesel engines by up to 90% over its lifecycle.
RD100 is clear, odourless and is refined from 100% renewable sources such as vegetable oils from rapeseed, sunflower and soybean, and waste fats such as animal fats or used cooking oil. It has better combustion and cold temperature resistance meaning it is better for diesel vehicles, particularly in Jersey where journeys are short, and engines don’t reach full operating temperature. RD100 can replace regular fossil diesel today.

While much of the current hype surrounds electric vehicles, Rubis says the Island cannot wait until they become affordable, widely available and there is sufficient infrastructure to encourage drivers to switch.
Bertrand Dellinger, Managing Director of Rubis Channel Islands says “We all recognise the need to reduce carbon emissions globally, electric vehicles are of course one option but, for many, they are expensive, not in plentiful supply and may not be the best long-term solution, due to the environmental and financial cost of building, replacing and recycling the batteries. RD100 is a solution for the transition and can make a difference today. Rubis is leading hydrocarbon transition, supporting the government and community in their aim for carbon neutrality.
At a local level, air quality will improve, with a significant reduction in smoke, particulates, NOx and carbon monoxide. Then at a global level the carbon emissions during the lifecycle of the fuel are reduced by up to 90%, because the carbon being released in the atmosphere is offset by the carbon absorbed by plants in the production of the fuel, creating a virtuous global carbon cycle.
RD100 has been on trial in Jersey with heavy commercial vehicle fleets for several months and operators report marked improvement in both engine performance and reduced smoke emissions. The new fuel is compatible with existing diesel engines and there is no need for vehicle modifications.
Nick Crolla, Head of Sales & Marketing says “We have been trialling RD100 in our fleet and have seen a noticeable difference in performance. We even undertook the simple test of placing a white cloth on the exhaust of our trucks; the results are incredible: with diesel the fabric becomes dirty and black within seconds. With RD100, the fabric stays clean. Local businesses driving diesel vans and wanting to reduce their carbon emissions but having difficulty financing an electric vehicle will not hesitate to switch. This is a great opportunity for large fleet users like the States and Parishes to consider changing their fuel to be exemplary in Jersey’s drive to reduce carbon emissions.”
Mr Dellinger added “We are proud to announce two commercial partners, PDFS & 4Hire, who have been working with us to test and launch RD100. Collectively we have responded to the climate emergency call and are aligned with our forward-thinking approach to drive change now.”
Andy Jehan, CEO of PDFS stated, “We have been delighted with the results of our extensive trials and look forward to using RD100 across our Channel Island fleet. PDFS is fully committed to reducing the impact we have on the environment and this is just one of the areas where we can really make a difference,” he added, “As a responsible business, we want to be at the forefront of these changes and we are also currently working on a number of other CSR initiatives.”
Nigel Blandin, Managing Director 4Hire added, “As a major user of fossil fuels we have decided to call time on the impact we have on the environment. Our goal of achieving a carbon balance by 2022 is starting now with the switch to RD100 in our trucks.” Continuing, he said, “Business needs to collectively take responsibility for its actions and can no longer simply search for the cheapest source of fuel or energy possible. We must find ways to deliver a sustainable future for not only our customers but for all of us.”
More information on Rubis Renewable Diesel – RD100 – is here.